Saturday, October 22, 2011

Tentative Title Image

9 days to go

With just over a week to go until NaNoWriMo starts I've finally settled on a project.

Plan for this year: do not write fanfiction! Yes, I know, been there, not done it, but can't hurt to try again, right?

The novel I want to work on, tentatively titled "Dark Places Of The Mind" is in idea I've had for the past years as well, but never actually started to write. Now I think the time is right, and I'll give it a try. It will be dark and sultry, and very likely not PG-13. Ah, who am I kidding, most certainly not PG-13!

Can't wait to begin, now that the plan is forming in my mind!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

So it begins... again

My 2011 NaNo blog is set up, my idea is outlined, and I'm ready to go! Ahead of time, and I'm quite happy to embark on this journey for the third time in a row!